About us

We are parents of a child with Type 1 diabetes and we know, from our own experience, the challenges that come with this diagnosis. From the daily blood sugar readings to managing insulin treatments and keeping track of all the necessary products - we totally get it.

It is out of this understanding and with a burning desire to make it easier for other families that we founded Diabeteshjälp.se. We aim to be a source of support and help for everyone living with diabetes, especially for parents of children with this disease.

At Diabeteshjälp.se, we have collected a wide range of products that are necessary for diabetes care on a single platform. From diabetes lamps and clothing to stomach bags and accessories - we have everything you need to facilitate the management of diabetes care.

Our goal is to enable families to easily find and purchase all their diabetes-related products in one place, saving time and reducing everyday stress.

At Diabeteshjälp.se, we are more than just an online store - We are your companion. We share your journey and strive to make every step a little easier. Together we create a brighter future for everyone living with diabetes. Welcome to our community!